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Using TowerOS

Once your hosts have been provisioned, you are ready to use TowerOS. You can of course access each host via SSH. However, you can also run GUI applications installed on a host such that the application appears to run on the thin client.

Execute a command on one of the hosts

Run a command on a host with SSH:

[thinclient]$ ssh <host> <command>

Run a graphical application on a host, with its GUI appearing on the thin client

[thinclient]$ tower run <host> <command>

Install an Alpine package on a host

TowerOS makes it easy to install new packages on any host by tunneling a connection through the router:

[thinclient]$ tower install <host> <package>

List your hosts and their statuses

[thinclient]$ tower status

Get thin client and host versions

[thinclient]$ tower version

Update router wifi credentials

[thinclient]$ tower wlan-connect --ssid <ssid> --password <password>

Configure wallpaper, screen lock timeout and desktop auto start

Edit the file ~/.local/tower/osconfig with the following variables:

LOCK_SCREEN_AFTER=300 # 5 minutes