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Building TowerOS

Build TowerOS images

Connect to internet and download Github repository as explained in the first paragraph above.


[thinclient]$ cd ~/towercomputers/toweros/tower-build-cli
[thinclient]$ ./tower-build host

This will generate a TowerOS-Host image file compressed with xz in ~/.cache/tower/builds/. Images in this folder will be used by default by the provision command (if the --image flag is not provided).


[thinclient]$ ./tower-build thinclient

This will generate an ISO image in ~/.cache/tower/builds/. A TowerOS Host image is embedded in the TowerOS ThinClient image. If a TowerOS Host image is present in the ~/.cache/tower/builds/ folder, it is used. Otherwise a new image is automatically generated.

With Docker

Build the Docker image with:

[thinclient]$ git clone
[thinclient]$ cd toweros/tower-build-cli
[thinclient]$ docker build -t build-tower-image:latest -f ./Dockerfile ../

Then build the TowerOS image inside a Docker container:

[thinclient]$ docker run --name towerbuilder --user tower --privileged -v /dev:/dev build-tower-image thinclient

Retrieve that image from the container:

[thinclient]$ docker cp towerbuilder:/home/tower/.cache/tower/builds/toweros-thinclient-0.0.1-20230513171731-x86_64.iso ./

Finally delete the container with:

[thinclient]$ docker rm towerbuilder

Note: With the ARM64 architecture, you must use buildx and a cross-platform emulator like tonistiigi/binfmt.

[thinclient]$ docker buildx create --use
[thinclient]$ docker buildx build -t build-tower-image:latest --platform=linux/amd64 --output type=docker -f ./Dockerfile ../
[thinclient]$ docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
[thinclient]$ docker run --platform=linux/amd64 --name towerbuilder --user tower --privileged -v /dev:/dev \
              build-tower-image thinclient

Build your own custom thin client (Linux)

Install Dependencies

[thinclient]$ apk add alpine-base coreutils python3 py3-pip py3-rich sudo openssh dhcpcd avahi \
      avahi-tools wpa_supplicant rsync git iptables rsync lsblk perl-utils xz \
      musl-locales e2fsprogs-extra xsetroot mcookie parted lsscsi figlet \
      alpine-sdk build-base apk-tools acct acct-openrc alpine-conf sfdisk busybox \
      fakeroot syslinux xorriso squashfs-tools mtools dosfstools grub-efi abuild \
      agetty runuser nano vim net-tools losetup xorg-server xf86-input-libinput \
      xinit udev xfce4 xfce4-terminal xfce4-screensaver adw-gtk3 \
      adwaita-xfce-icon-theme setxkbmap

Enable Basic Services

If necessary, enable IPv4 with:

[thinclient]$ sed -i 's/noipv4ll/#noipv4ll/' /etc/dhcpcd.conf


[thinclient]$ rc-update add dhcpcd
[thinclient]$ rc-update add avahi-daemon
[thinclient]$ rc-update add iptables
[thinclient]$ rc-update add networking
[thinclient]$ rc-update add wpa_supplicant boot
[thinclient]$ rc-update add dbus

Important: Make sure you are connected to the switch and check that your first wired interface (starting with the letter e) has an assigned IP.

Update /etc/sudoers and groups

The toweros software assumes that the current user has full sudo access with no password. (Please refer to our threat model.) Check if /etc/sudoers contains the following line:

<your_username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

To build an image with ./tower-build, you first need to add the current user in the abuild group:

[thinclient]$ addgroup <you_username> abuild

Install tower-cli

Update pip to the latest version:

[thinclient]$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install the tower CLI with pip:

[thinclient]$ python3 -m pip install "tower-cli @ git+"