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Tower CLI Manual




tower [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] {provision,upgrade,install,run,status,wlan-connect,version}} ...


TowerOS command-line interface for provisioning hosts, install APK packages on it and run applications with NX protocol.


tower provision
Prepare the bootable device needed to provision a host

tower upgrade
Upgrade the thin client or hosts to the latest ToweOS version

tower install
Install an application on a host with APK

tower run
Run an application on the specified host, with the GUI on the thin client.

tower status
Check the status of all hosts in the Tower system.

tower wlan-connect
Update WiFi credentials on the router.

tower version
Get the version of TowerOS installed on the thin client and hosts.

tower poweroff
Poweroff all hosts.

tower deprovision
Deprovision a host.

tower provision

Prepare the bootable device needed to provision a host

usage: tower provision [-h] [--boot-device BOOT_DEVICE] [--zero-device] [--no-confirm] [--image IMAGE] [--ifname IFNAME] [--no-wait] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--force] [--public-key-path PUBLIC_KEY_PATH] [--private-key-path PRIVATE_KEY_PATH] [--password PASSWORD] [--keyboard-layout KEYBOARD_LAYOUT] [--keyboard-variant KEYBOARD_VARIANT] [--timezone TIMEZONE] [--lang LANG] [--online] [--offline] [--wlan-ssid WLAN_SSID] [--wlan-password WLAN_PASSWORD] [--color {White,Red,Green,Yellow,Blue,Magenta,Cyan,Light gray,Light red,Light green,Light yellow,Light blue,Light magenta,Light cyan}] name

Host's name, used to refer to the host when performing other actions. (Required)


Path to virtual device for the SD card or USB key.

Zero the target device before copying the installation image to it. (Default: False)

Don't ask for confirmation. (Default: False)

Path to installation image

Network interface (Default: `eth0` for online host, `eth1` for offline host)

Do not wait for the host to be ready (Default: False)

Maximum wait time for the host to be ready, in seconds. Specify `0` for no limit. (Default: 600)

Overwrite the configuration for an existing host (Default: False)

Path to public key used to access the host (Default: automatically generated and stored on the boot device and locally in `~/.local/tower/hosts/`)

Path to private key used to access the host (Default: automatically generated and stored locally in `~/.local/tower/hosts/`)

Password to access the host (Default: automatically generated and stored locally in `~/.local/tower/hosts/`)

Keyboard layout code (Default: same as that of the thin client)

Keyboard variant code (Default: same as that of the thin client)

Timezone of the host. e.g. `Europe/Paris` (Default: same as that of the thin client)

Language of the host. e.g. `en_US` (Default: same as that of the thin client)

Host *WILL* be able to access the Internet via the router. (Default: False)

Host will *NOT* be able to access the Internet via the router. (Default: False)

WiFi SSID (Default: same as that currently in use by the thin client)

WiFi password (Default: same as that currently currently in use by the thin client)

Color used for shell prompt and GUI. (Default: sequentially from the list, next: Green)

tower upgrade

Upgrade the thin client or hosts to the latest ToweOS version

usage: tower upgrade [-h] [--hosts [HOSTS ...]] [--install-device [INSTALL_DEVICE ...]] [--boot-device BOOT_DEVICE] [--zero-device] [--no-confirm] [--image IMAGE] [--ifname IFNAME] [--no-wait] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--force]


Hosts names to upgrade. (Default: all)

Path to virtual device for the SD card or USB key.

Path to virtual device for the SD card or USB key.

Zero the target device before copying the installation image to it. (Default: False)

Don't ask for confirmation. (Default: False)

Path to installation image

Network interface (Default: `eth0` for online host, `eth1` for offline host)

Do not wait for the host to be ready (Default: False)

Maximum wait time for the host to be ready, in seconds. Specify `0` for no limit. (Default: 600)

Overwrite the configuration for an existing host (Default: False)

tower install

Install an application on a host with APK

usage: tower install [-h] host packages [packages ...]

Host to install the package on (Required)

Package(s) to install (Required).

tower run

Run an application on the specified host, with the GUI on the thin client.

usage: tower run [-h] [--uncolored] [--vnc-speeds VNC_SPEEDS] [--vnc-grab] host run_command [run_command ...]

Host's name. This name must match the `name` used with the `provision` command. (Required)

Command to execute on the host with NX protocol. (Required)


Don't use host color for window headerbar. (Default: False)

The triple rd,bw,lat corresponds to video h/w read rate in MB/sec, network bandwidth to clients in KB/sec, and network latency to clients in milliseconds, respectively. If a value is left blank, e.g. "-speeds ,100,15", then the internal scheme is used to estimate the empty value(s).

Grab host keyboard and mouse events (run x11vnc with -grabkbd and -grabptr flags). (Default: False except for Firefox)

tower status

Check the status of all hosts in the Tower system.

usage: tower status [-h] [--host HOST] [--json]


Name of the host you want to check the status. If not specified, the status of all hosts will be displayed.

Json output. (Default: False)

tower wlan-connect

Update WiFi credentials on the router.

usage: tower wlan-connect [-h] --ssid SSID --password PASSWORD



WiFi password

tower version

Get the version of TowerOS installed on the thin client and hosts.

usage: tower version [-h]

tower poweroff

Poweroff all hosts.

usage: tower poweroff [-h] [--host HOST]


Name of the host you want to poweroff.

tower deprovision

Deprovision a host.

usage: tower deprovision [-h] [--no-confirm] name

Host's name to delete (Required)


Don't ask for confirmation. (Default: False)


Set log level to ERROR.

Set log level to DEBUG.